Judy Greenfield is the proprietor and chief conservator of Art Objects Conservation and treats a wide range of objects, from archeological and ethnographic, to modern and contemporary pieces. She has spent 30 years studying archeological and ethnographic objects and brings to the table over 20 years experience as an objects conservator.
Judy graduated cum laude from Vassar College, NY, with a B.A in anthropology in 1981. She interned at the American Museum of Natural History, NY, and the Ancient Monuments Laboratory in Edinburgh, Scotland before completing a Diploma in Archaeological Conservation from the University of Durham, England, in 1989. Her graduate internship was at the Horniman Museum in London, UK.nd ethnographic, to modern and contemporary pieces. She has spent 30 years studying archeological and ethnographic objects and brings to the table over 20 years experience as an objects conservator.
Judy was employed as an objects conservator for the Rocky Mountain Conservation Center in Denver CO from 1990 to 1995. She has been in private practice in Denver, CO, since 1995 providing contract services, including treatments and surveys for private collectors and a variety of local and out-of-state institutions including the Denver Art Museum, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and the Missouri Historical Society. She has lectured in Conservation and Museum Studies at the University of Denver and Colorado University, and has also published articles on objects conservation.
Judy is a professional associate member of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC), and a member of the Western Association for Art Conservation (WAAC), and the Colorado-Wyoming Association of Museums (CWAM).